Saturday, 17 January 2015

Exam Revision Tips

Hey guys! I don't know about you but I have some mock GCSE exams and some reals ones coming up this year which inspired me to give you guys some revision tips. Now this isn't professional advice but these tips help me and they may or may not help you.

  • Get rid of distractions - Now getting rid of ALL distractions whilst revising is a good thing to do. This way you aren't tempted and you're fully focused. Now a massive distraction that might apply to all of us is our phones. I put my hand up when I say that yes I sometimes get distracted whilst revising if my phone is near me. So to avoid getting distracted simply - turn your phone off or put it in another room or give it to your parents. This way you are less tempted to go on Twitter or Facebook and any other social media sites.
  • Listen to music - Listening to music sometimes helps me when I'm studying because it enables me to focus and block out what's going on around me.
  • Study cards - Making and using study cards helps me because I can break down chunks of information and only write down the important parts. This makes remembering it way easier!
  • Have short breaks - Now I'll admit that revising isn't the most fun thing to do. Therefore, in order to not switch of when revising allow yourself to take a short break (for about 10 minutes) and then resume studying. This gives your brain time to relax. 
If you have any studying/revision tips feel free to share them by commenting down below. 

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