Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Top 5 Apps On My Phone

Hey guys! I hope all is well. Firstly, for those of you that would like to participate it my "Let's Chat" sessions on Tumblr (anonymously or not) check out my Tumblr Page for when they will be hosted ( www.onlineimperfections.tumblr.com ). For more information on that click here.

Moving on, so today I was just messing around on my phone and BOOM! An idea popped into my head - that I should do a 'top 5 apps on my phone' blog post. I know that sometimes I get bored with the apps I currently have and maybe you guys do too. Therefore, you might want to try out these apps (if you don't already have them). Now this isn't in order of preference because I love them all for different reasons:

  1. Twitter - I am constantly on Twitter in my spare time, scrolling down the timeline (you can follow me @OImperfections) and stalking my favourite celebs haha jokes. I absolutely love Twitter because it's a great way for you to see what your friends are up to and your favourite celebrities. You might even get a follow if you're lucky!
  2. Tumblr - Now I've only recently started reusing Tumblr again (on my personal account and I just set up one for this blog) and can I just say, I have laughed so much because of it! Some of the photos on there are sooo hilarious!
  3. Snapchat - I never really used Snapchat, even though I had it, for many reasons. But for the past few days I have been using it so much more to talk to my friends. 
  4. Crazy Taxi - This is probably my favourite game to play on my phone. I highly recommend downloading it of App Store. 
  5. Music Downloader (unsure that's what it's called) - Where would I be without my music app! That apps is a must have (for me anyway). I also have Spotify but I prefer this one. 

So that's it, I hoped that you liked this post. Let me know if you did and what your favourite app is, by commenting. 

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