What is the meaning behind your blog name?
To be honest it literally just popped into my head whilst I was planning out my blog. I guess I just liked the sound of it since in a way it is a small representation of my blog and myself (imperfect). Since a blog is on the internet which is why 'Online' went well with it. And so 'Online Imperfections' was born.
What made you start blogging?
I had previously blogged before in the past when I was a bit younger but it never worked out, I wasn't committed to it. So in the middle of the summer holidays, whilst I was bored, I decided I would give it another go (8th August 2014). The next day, Saturday 9th August 2014 Online Imperfections was created. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to come up with a good first blog post. However, my mind was blank (it was obviously on holiday haha) so I just did a Summer playlist blog post.

 Do you have Twitter?
Yes I have Twitter - you can follow and tweet me @OImperfections , https://twitter.com/OImperfections
Check out my mini Q&A- click here 

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