Wednesday, 14 January 2015

#TeenageProblems: Imperfect

Hey guys! So today is a bit of a different post. I was thinking about how much us teenagers may (from time to time) feel like we always need to be perfect. "But I'm here to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top..." (Sorry for my All About That Base reference).

So first things first (I'm the realist... Jokes), I feel like as teenagers we get judged a lot by other people. I don't know why. I just feel like it limits us to not being who we want to be just because we might be scared of what other people might say. That shouldn't always be the case. I mean who really gave anyone the right to judge other people. We are only humans which means that we aren't perfect.
We are all equal and shouldn't be looked down on by people who think that they are more superior. Here's a news flash - they aren't!

So please, try not to let others make you feel insecure. No one is perfect nor should we have to be.

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