Tuesday, 16 December 2014

#CollabmasBlogs: Christmas Quiz!

Hey guys! Christmas is almost here arghhh!!! I am sooo excited! I turn into a little kid at Christmas time because I get excited to open my presents, wrapping presents and I can never seem to be able to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. Who else is like this?
Anyway, to get us all in the Christmas mood as apart of the #CollabmasBlogs series I got an idea to just post some random Christmas movie quotes and Christmas song quotes. To make this into a little game you guys have to guess which Christmas movie/song that quote was from. I will put the answers in the next #CollabmasBlogs post and I will tweet the answers too (follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/OImperfections). You guys ready?


  1. "Bah, humbug"
  2. "My family is in Florida... I'm in... New York?"
  3. "...When all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse."
  4. "Merry Christmas, you filthy animal."
  5. "Sometimes the most real things in the world are the ones we can't see."
  6. "It's because I'm green isn't it?"
  7. "We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup."
  8. "What Kind of idiots do you have working here?" "The finest in New York."
Too easy right? Let's try and make it a bit harder by guessing which Christmas songs these quotes are from.

  1. "Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time"
  2. "Oh, all the lights are shining"
  3. "Mistletoe hung where you can see"
  4. "Time for parties and celebration"
  5. "a partrage in a pear tree"
  6. "Are you hanging up a stocking on your wall"
  7. "When the kids start singing and the band begins to play"
  8. "I'll give it to someone special"
  9. "I'm getting tired and I need someone to rely on"
  10. "Sleep in heavenly peace"

Comment down below, tweet or email me (onlineimperfectionscontact@gmail.com) your answers. I'm looking forward to seeing who get's them all right. I will post the answers in one week.

I hope that you enjoyed this post.

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