Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Pet Peeves Tag

Hey guys! So today I was talking about pet peeves with one of my friends and it gave me an idea to start a Pet Peeve Tag. Now I'm not sure if this is already an actual tag or if I just invented it but I thought it would be a fun thing to do. So let's begin!

  1. Say who nominated you.
  2. List up to 10 of your pet peeves.
  3. Nominate up to 10 people.

My Pet Peeves
1. Hearing someone/people eat!!! I absolutely hate the sound of hearing people chewing/swallowing, I have no idea why but it REALLY irritates me. Apparently this is called MISOPHONIA. Am I the only person that has Misophonia?
2. Having to repeat myself numerous times. After I repeat myself about 3 times I tend to say "don't matter" or "never mind." But if someone does that to me I hate it haha.
3. When I'm at the cinema and someone stars talking really loud whilst the movie is on! I mean it's not that hard to whisper or just don't talk at all.
4. People who talk using abbreviations (typing/texting abbreviations is acceptable). For example when someone says "oh I cba to do that." If you're talking to me please talk properly.
5. People who start saying something and then stop half way through a sentence. "OMG I can't believe th..." That REALLY irritates me!!
6. People who eat with their mouth open. Please chew with your mouth closed because I don't want to see what's in your mouth.
7. People who talk with their mouth full. No! Just no!
8. People that crease my paper/books. This is probably an OCD but I'm going to class it as a pet peeve as well. I just hate it when people fold/crease/crinkle/rip/write on my paper. My paper/book has to be in impeccable condition. I guess one could say I am a bit of a Perfectionist aha.
9. When people chew on the end of pens/pencils. Are you that hungry or something?
10. People who take forever to get to the point!
I now nominate:
I can't wait to read your posts.
So that's some of my pet peeves. Comment down below telling me if you have any of the same pet peeves as me.
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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I now tag you in it haha. I cannot wait to read your post.
