Monday, 24 November 2014

Words of Wisdom - Be Original

Hey guys! So I was just thinking that I should rename this series since some of the post are not even motivational, they are more "Words of Wisdom." Therefore, from now on if my post isn't motivational I will call it "Words of Wisdom."

So today this post is basically about being original.

We aren't always going to "fit in" with the crowd and that's just apart of life. You shouldn't have to change yourself to get the "popular kids" to like you! Who cares whether they like you or not?! High school will end and in the real world it doesn't really matter if you was popular in high school. It's good to be different; who wants to be a copy?! After all...

Be original. Be yourself.

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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Pet Peeves Tag

Hey guys! So today I was talking about pet peeves with one of my friends and it gave me an idea to start a Pet Peeve Tag. Now I'm not sure if this is already an actual tag or if I just invented it but I thought it would be a fun thing to do. So let's begin!

  1. Say who nominated you.
  2. List up to 10 of your pet peeves.
  3. Nominate up to 10 people.

My Pet Peeves
1. Hearing someone/people eat!!! I absolutely hate the sound of hearing people chewing/swallowing, I have no idea why but it REALLY irritates me. Apparently this is called MISOPHONIA. Am I the only person that has Misophonia?
2. Having to repeat myself numerous times. After I repeat myself about 3 times I tend to say "don't matter" or "never mind." But if someone does that to me I hate it haha.
3. When I'm at the cinema and someone stars talking really loud whilst the movie is on! I mean it's not that hard to whisper or just don't talk at all.
4. People who talk using abbreviations (typing/texting abbreviations is acceptable). For example when someone says "oh I cba to do that." If you're talking to me please talk properly.
5. People who start saying something and then stop half way through a sentence. "OMG I can't believe th..." That REALLY irritates me!!
6. People who eat with their mouth open. Please chew with your mouth closed because I don't want to see what's in your mouth.
7. People who talk with their mouth full. No! Just no!
8. People that crease my paper/books. This is probably an OCD but I'm going to class it as a pet peeve as well. I just hate it when people fold/crease/crinkle/rip/write on my paper. My paper/book has to be in impeccable condition. I guess one could say I am a bit of a Perfectionist aha.
9. When people chew on the end of pens/pencils. Are you that hungry or something?
10. People who take forever to get to the point!
I now nominate:
I can't wait to read your posts.
So that's some of my pet peeves. Comment down below telling me if you have any of the same pet peeves as me.
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Sunday, 16 November 2014

Avon Naturals

Hey guys! I'm sorry I only managed to post once last week, I was so busy! I really wanted to post but I didn't have a lot of free time to. To make it up to you I will try to post twice as much this week to make up for last week.

So I recently bought this Avon body spray which I am absolutely loving at the moment! It's called Avon Naturals and it's the Bright Apple Blossom scented spritz. Guess how much it cost... £1!!! (I'm not sure if that is the original price). It is TOTALLY worth the £1 in my opinion. Normally I don't use body sprays/spritz (I usually use perfume) but I love this one. I like to spray myself with it when I'm going to school or after my P.E lesson.

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Monday, 10 November 2014

Motivational Mondays - Haters are going to hate

Hey guys! So I decided that today I would do a Motivational Mondays post since I haven't done one in a while.

When someone is trying to get you down just remember that quote. In this world not everyone will like us and we just have to learn how to deal with that. As they say "haters are going to hate" and quite frankly we can't do anything about that but what we can do is ignore their negativity. Don't let their negativity get you down!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Liebster Award

Hey Cuties! So I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely AGingerBlondie ( Thank you so much for nominating me!

For those of you that are unsure what a Liebster Award is, it is a great way for bloggers to connect with each other and make new friends.

The Rules:
  1. Mention who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions that they asked you.
  3. Then write your own set of questions for the people you nominate.

1. What is your favourite thing to do when you have free time?
There are so many things I like to do when I have free time but my favourite is probably listening to music.
2. Where do you go to 'escape' ?
I don't really have somewhere to go to 'escape'.
3. What is your favourite kind of blog post to read/write?
My favourite kind of blog posts to read are monthly favourites.
My favourite types of blog posts to write are fashion related posts.
4. Best friends you have made through blogging?
There are so many nice bloggers that I have became friends with over Twitter but I would say my blogger best friend is AGingerBlondie
5. Best Part of blogging?
I'd say the best part of blogging is making new friends.
6. Favourite songs/artists/albums at the moment?
There are so many songs/artists/albums that I like at the moment but I'm going to go with: Lullaby/Nicki Minaj (she is my favourite artist)/don't have one.
7. Autumn essential?
Warm sweaters/jumpers.
8. Would you rather give up mascara or lipstick? (HARD ONE I KNOW!!!)
I don't wear makeup, the only thing I wear is lip gloss so I guess I'd rather give up mascara.
9. Books or Films?
Films but I do read books too.
10. What hobbies do you have?
I like to play basketball and netball.
Watch Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Criminal Minds, ect...
Listen to music.
Write stories and songs.
11. If you had to give one piece of advice to your readers (about anything) what would it be?
I'm not good at giving advice but - "It's okay to be IMPERFECT!"
I now nominate:
My questions:
1. Who is your role model and why?
2.  What made you start blogging?
3. Who is your favourite blogger?
4. If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
5. What is one thing you can't live without?
6. Would you rather not able to use your phone for a year or not be able to use the internet? (I know it's a hard one!!!)
7. What do you like most about blogging?
8. What's your favourite season?
9. Chocolate or Sweets?
10. If you could go one place in the world where would it be and why?
11. What's your favourite quote?
I can't wait to see your answers.
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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Remember Remember the 5th of Novemeber!

"Baby you're a firework! Come on let your colours burst..." haha!

Hey guys! For everyone that loves Bonfire Night (or whatever you call it) Happy Bonfire Night!! I love this time of the year. I love watching the fireworks go off in the sky, it is such a beautiful sight. All of those colours glowing in the sky, ah I just love it! Unfortunately I am not going to a bonfire party but I will be watching the fireworks go off at home. Comment down below letting me know what you are doing.

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Saturday, 1 November 2014

October Playlist

Hey guys! So we are now in November, can you believe it?! 2014 is nearly over! This year has gone SO FAST! Anyway, since we are now in November I have decided to do an October playlist.

(This is in a random order)

  1. One Direction - Steal My Girl
  2. Sam Smith - Not the Only One
  3. Eminem ft Sia - Guts Over Fear
  4. Megan Trainor - All About That Bass
  5. A Great Big World - Say Something
  6. Labrinth - Let It Be
  7. Chris Brown ft Usher & Rick Ross - New Flame

There are so many songs that I am currently loving! Comment down below telling me your favourite songs from October.