Pretty Little Liars is a TV series based on the book series written by Sara Shepard. It's about 4 girls that begin to received threats from an anonymous person called "A", after one of their best friends went missing. Now I don't want to give too much away but I highly recommend watching PLL as it is filled with tension, suspense and is just overall AMAZING! Every episode leaves me curious of what is going to happen next. The one question which is still left unanswered for everyone is 'who is the big "A"?' The producer, Marlene King, said that the Big A will be revealed before the final season (season 7). Thank God!
A mini PLL tag:
At the moment we are currently half way through season 5 so my answers for these questions might change.
Who do I think "A" is?
Throughout the series I thought "A" was a bunch of different people. In season 1 I did guess that Mona was "A" which turned out to be true but after season 2 guessing who "A" was became more challenging for me because there were so many "A" potentials. I never guessed that Toby would have joined the "A" Team, when I found out he was "A" I just hoped he had a really good reason which he did. Now I think that the "Big A" is one of the Liars which would definitely put a twist on things. Since the liars are one of the least expected people to be "A" I decided to use reverse phycology aha! However, the producers might decide to make "A" someone who we all suspected. Who knows?! I can't wait to find out who "A" is once and for all.
Who is your favourite character?
In the beginning I liked Hanna and Aria but as I began to watch more and more episodes I began to love Mona's character. "She is like 7 characters in 1" Lucy Hale (Aria) said in the Season 5 special. That statement is so true! Mona goes from being "A" to being Crazy Mona to being Bad-ass Mona... Janel Parrish is a great actress and I hope they have a ghost Mona because the show won't be the same now that Mona is dead.
Who do you ship?
I ship Hanna and Caleb (Haleb) and Aria and Ezra. I think Aria and Ezra have had the most relationship struggles throughout the series but they still managed to always go back to each other.
Favourite Villain?
Definitely MONA!!
What has been your favourite episode so far?
I love SO many of the episodes and it is hard to pick just one but I'm going to say the most recent one (season 5 episode 12) because I never would have thought that Mona would had been killed! That episode shocked me the most I think.
What do I think of Alison?
Alison is one of those characters that I think goes by the saying "every man for themselves." You never really know what her motives are, she just can't be trusted. She is an intimidating and scary character, you just don't know what she is capable of doing.
Which Liar do you think has been hurt the most by A?
I think they have all had their bad "A" moments but I think that Spencer and Emily have been hurt the most by "A". Spencer is currently being framed for murder!
Which one of the girl style's do you like the most?
I like them all on different occasions but I tend to like Aria's the most.
Kisses -A
I hope you liked this post and if you don't already watch Pretty Little Liars I recommend watching it.
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