Wednesday 15 October 2014

New Series'

Hey guys, this blog post is a bit different today, it is just about the different series' on my blog that I will be starting.

Can I just Say - I tend to say "can I just say" A LOT whilst talking and sometimes even blogging for some reason. This gave me the idea to start a Can I Just Say series! You must be think "what is a Can I just Say Series?" If you are thinking that let me just explain what it is. Basically every random thought that I get and I create it into a blog post I will title it "Can I Just say..." Now these blog post may be totally RANDOM or even CRAZY and sometimes even SERIOUS. I want to try and make my blog different hence why I'm creating some new blogging series'.

Motivational Monday's - This is basically how it sounds. I will post some quotes that I like or I find motivational on a Monday. "Why Monday's," you might ask, well simply because its the day after the weekend and sometimes we need to be motivated to get through the week.

Dear Diary - I will give you an update on things I have been doing or going to be doing, that's interesting or exciting.

I hope that you guys like these new series', I would appreciate it if you did let me know what you thought of then (if you liked them or not). You can do this by leaving comments, emailing me or clicking either the 'like' or 'dislike' buttons.

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